The Constellation Room In the Observatory At the Galaxy Theatre.

Seriously, that's what the venue was called.  I'm not sure why, though, because there weren't any telescopes, nor were there any stars to see that night...oh, my bad, I saw Nathan "nice hair" Blaz, Michael "the beard" Deni, and Brian "where is Brian" Ostreicher, of Geographer. If you guys haven't listened to their stuff, definitely please go now right away, check them out.  Mike's got the voice of an angel,  Nate's a cello god, and Brian abuses those drums so good my grammar gets thrown off by it.  The set was too short, but that's always the case when you encounter a group of musicians who sounds even better live than on record.  It's almost impossible, and you don't want it to stop.  Almost like this one time I had a pretty ugly, fat woman sit on my back, tenderizing my muscles the way I would a slab of sirloin.  But Thursday night wasn't about that.  Mainly, it was about how great Mike's angelic voice is - proof is in the tattoo: he used to be an angel, lost his wings, but that sole feather is the only remnant of his immortal life (right, Amanda?) - and how Nate's hair is so L'Oreal suave when he gets into the music, and how Brian always draws the shortest straw because they put him in the worse places possible on stage, making it impossible to take pictures of him.