Did You See Me Up There?

Decembers in San Diego are different.  We drifted two hours south of Los Angeles and the weather dropped 5-degrees.  I shivered in my skin as we ascended toward an impeccable view that'd leave us gasping for our breathes.  Up the winding roads, or down the steep cliffs, regardless of where you positioned yourself that day, the six o'clock sunset was omnipotent.  Even more fulfilling was what I saw after venturing back from exploring some herringbone cross-stratifications: there, perched perfectly still in the middle of the cliff were my best friends reminiscing their childhood, drifting back to yesteryears, ruminating on the drastic changes of that year, or simply just being swept away by the easiness of that evening - whatever it was, it was beautiful.  I loved them, and in that moment, we were..haha just kidding I hate that quote.  But honestly, everything was just so light and I was astoundingly happy.  It didn't matter that we were all scattered counties apart and ripped away from each other.  These intricate moments that allowed us to huddle close together...these are the moments worth the 200 miles journey to see them for just a weekend.